

  月亮島,位于湖南長沙市區(qū)? ??北14公里的湘江西岸,是以美麗的自然風(fēng)光為特色的新辟旅游點。島如一彎修長的新月吮吸湘水,兩頭銀白的沙灘吻著湘水碧波。月亮島位于城區(qū)以北10公里,地處湘江主航道西側(cè),東望鵝羊山,西臨谷山。原名遙埠洲,因明代有許姓人家在此耕作,而叫許家洲;又因形如彎月,近年來漸有了這個迷人的雅號。80年代以來開始籌建度假村,已初具規(guī)模,培育了鐵樹、羅漢松等園林觀賞花木120多畝。內(nèi)有森林公園、游樂園、水上活動中心、高爾夫球場、商業(yè)中心、度假中心等景區(qū)。

北京至長沙的旅游景點(長沙至北京自駕游經(jīng)過的地方) 長沙的旅游景點




D1 導(dǎo)游在車站接站,游覽天門山景區(qū):乘世界上最長的觀光索道(門票已含),游李娜別墅凌霄臺、倚虹關(guān)、鬼谷棧道、求兒洞、天門山寺、云夢仙頂,爬999級天梯到世界之最——天門洞。下午參觀世界溶洞全能冠軍――黃龍洞,洞內(nèi)巖溶景觀規(guī)模大、內(nèi)容全、景色美,洞中有洞,天外有天,樓上有樓,山重水復(fù),峰回路轉(zhuǎn),更有鎮(zhèn)洞之寶―定海神針。晚上住武陵源。

D2 吃早餐后,游覽十里畫廊:壽星迎賓.食指峰.向王觀書.海螺峰.夫妻抱子.采藥老人.黃昏戀.三姐妹峰.爬上天子山(坐索道)游覽天子山:神堂灣.點將臺.賀龍公園.西海石林.畫仙陶醉圖.天女散花.御筆峰.天子閣;下午乘車到大觀臺、神雞捉食、一步難行、仙人橋后回潘英客棧。

D3 吃早餐后,游覽核心景區(qū)袁家界天下第一橋、五女出征、神龜問天、連心橋、阿凡達(dá)懸浮山、九天弦梯、迷魂臺、后花園。下午玩楊家界:烏龍寨、三道鬼門關(guān)、土匪窩、天波府、一步登天和空中走廊返回潘英客棧。

D4 吃早餐后,從亂竄坡爬山(約需一個多鐘)下山到達(dá)金鞭溪,也可自費坐世界第一梯:百龍?zhí)焯?/a>下到金鞭溪:千里相會紫草潭、文星巖、長壽泉、劈山救母、金鞭巖、豬八戒背媳婦、母子峰。乘車去市區(qū)再坐去鳳凰的大巴車,住鳳凰。

D5 游玩鳳凰,腳踏青石路游畫廊一條街、過風(fēng)雨虹橋、觀沱 江風(fēng)光、過跳巖、遠(yuǎn)眺奪翠樓、萬名塔景點。住鳳凰。

D6 再玩半天,或者去一趟苗寨,下午坐車去長沙,住在長沙。

D7 看省博物館和長沙桔子洲頭,岳麓書院。晚上乘飛機回









2、新派景點: 市內(nèi):海洋館,中央電視塔,中華世紀(jì)壇,明城墻遺址,






4、特色餐飲小吃:東來順(涮羊肉),南來順(炸糕,? ??窩窩小吃挺全的且正宗),全聚德(掛爐烤鴨),便宜仿(悶爐烤鴨)。





湖南旅游攻略必玩的景點介紹英文「用英文介紹長沙的旅游景點」 長沙的旅游景點


Hunan is a province of China, located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and south of Lake Dongting (hence the name Hunan, meaning "south of the lake"). Hunan is sometimes called Xiang for short, after the Xiang River which runs through the province.

Hunan borders Hubei in the north, Jiangxi to the east, Guangdong to the south, Guangxi to the southwest, Guizhou to the west, and Chongqing to the northwest. The capital is Changsha.


Hunan entered the written history of China around 350 BC, when under the kings of the Zhou dynasty it became part of the State of Chu. Until then Hunan was a land of primeval forests, occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples, but starting at this time and for hundreds of years thereafter it was a magnet for migration of Han Chinese from the north, who cleared most of the forests and began farming rice in the valleys and plains. To this day, many of the small villages in Hunan are named after the Han families which originally settled there. Migration from the north was especially prevalent during the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties Periods, when nomadic invaders overran the north.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, Hunan was home to its own independent regime, Ma Chu.

Hunan, was, together with Hubei, a part of the province of Huguang till the Qing dynasty.

Hunan became an important communications center from its position on the Yangzi River (Changjiang) and on the Imperial Highway constructed between northern and southern China. Its land produced grain so abundantly that it fed many parts of China with its surpluses. The population continued to climb until, by the nineteenth century, Hunan was overcrowded and prone to peasant uprisings.

The Taiping Rebellion which began to the south in Guangxi Province in 1850 spread into Hunan and then further eastward along the Yangzi River valley, but ultimately it was a Hunanese army under Zeng Guofan which marched to Nanjing and put down the uprising in 1864.

Hunan was relatively quiet until 1910 when there were uprisings against the crumbling Qing dynasty, which were followed by the Communist's Autumn Harvest Uprising of 1927 led by Hunanese native Mao Zedong, which established a short-lived Hunan soviet in 1927. The Communists maintained a guerilla army in the mountains along the Hunan-Jiangxi border until 1934, when under pressure from the Nationalist (Kuomintang, KMT) forces they began the famous Long March to bases in Shaanxi Province. After the departure of the Communists, the KMT army fought against the Japanese in the second Sino-Japanese war, defending the capital Changsha until it fell in 1944, when Japan launched Operation Ichigo to control the railroad from Wuchang to Guangzhou (Yuehan Railway). Hunan was relatively unscathed by the civil war that followed the defeat of the Japanese in 1945, and in 1949 the Communists returned once more as the Nationalists retreated southward.

Being Mao Zedong's home province, Hunan supported the Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, and was slower than most provinces in adopting the reforms implemented by Deng Xiaoping in the years that followed Mao's death in 1976.

Former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is also Hunanese.


Hunan Province is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River (Changjiang, 長江), about half way along its length. Shanghai lies 1000 km away, Beijing 1200 km away, and Guangzhou 500 km away.

Hunan is situated between 109°-114° east longitude and 20°-30° north latitude. The east, south and west sides of the province are surrounded by mountains and hills, such as the Wuling Mountains to the northwest, the Xuefeng Mountains to the west, the Nanling Mountains to the south, and the Luoxiao Mountains to the east. The mountains and hills occupy more than 80% of the area and the plain comprises less than 20% of the whole province.

The Xiangjiang, the Zijiang, the Yuanjiang and the Lishui Rivers converge on the Yangtze River at Lake Dongting (Dongting Hu, 洞庭湖) in the north of Hunan. The center and northern parts are somewhat low and a U-shaped basin, open in the north and with Lake Dongting as its center. Most of Hunan Province lies in the basins of four major tributaries of the Yangtze River.

Lake Dongting is the largest lake in the province and the second largest freshwater lake of China. Due to the reclamation of land for agriculture, Lake Dongting has been subdivided into many smaller lakes, though there is now a trend to reverse some of the reclamation, which had damaged wetland habitats surrounding the lake.

Hunan's climate is subtropical, with mild winters and plenty of precipitation. January temperatures average 3 to 8°C while July temperatures average around 27 to 30°C. Average annual precipitation is 1200 to 1700 mm.


Hunan's traditional crop is rice. The Lake Dongting area is an important center of ramie production, and Hunan is also an important center of tea cultivation.

The Lengshuijiang area is noted for its stibnite mines, and is one of the major centers of antimony extraction in China.

Its nominal GDP for 2004 was 561.2 billion yuan (US$69.62 billion). In 2004, its per capita GDP was 8,423 yuan (US$1,040).

















武陵源風(fēng)景區(qū)由張家界、索溪峪、天子山、楊家界四大部分 組成。 武陵源屬于罕見的砂巖峰林地貌,這里的風(fēng)景沒有經(jīng)過任何的人工雕鑿,到處是石柱石峰、斷崖絕壁、古樹名木、云氣煙霧、流泉飛瀑、珍禽異獸。置身其間,猶如到了一個神奇的世界和趣味天成的藝術(shù)山水長廊。它以奇峰、怪石、幽谷、秀水、溶洞聞名于世,五千座石峰千姿百態(tài),聳立在溝壑深幽之中;八百條溪流蜿蜒曲折,穿行于石林峽谷之間。無論是在黃石寨攬勝、金鞭溪探幽,還是在神堂灣歷險、十里畫廊拾趣,或是在西海觀云、砂刀溝賞景,都令人有美不勝收的陶醉。



Yueyang Tower

Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze River, together with Yellow Crane Tower at Wuhan, Hubei province and Tengwang Tower at Nanchang, Jiangxi province.

Yueyang Tower was originally built for soldiers to rest on and watch out. In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his troops.

In the forth year (716 A.C) of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, General Zhangshuo was dispatched to defend at yuezhou and he rebuilt it into a Tower named South Tower, and then Yueyang Tower. In the forth year (1044 A.C) of Qingli of Song Dynasty, Teng Zijing was stationed at Baling Jun, the ancient name of Yueyang city. In the second year, he had the Yueyang Tower repaired and had poems by previous poets inscribed on the walls of the Tower. Fan Zhongyan, a great artist and poet, was invited to write the well-known poem about Yueyang Tower, in his essay which entitled《 A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower》, the two sentences Fan writes :“ Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness” have for thousands of years been a well-quoted dictum and made the tower even better known then before.

The architectural style of Yueyang Tower is quite unique. The main tower is 21.35 meters high with 4 columns, 3 stories, flying eave, helmet roof and wood construction, the helmet-roof of such a large dimension is a rarity among the ancient architectures in China.

Entering the tower, you"ll pass the famous couplet: "Dongting is the water of the world, Yueyang is the tower of the world." Moving on, there is a platform (Dianjiang tai) that once functioned as the training ground for the navy of Three-Kingdom period general Lusu. To its south is the Huaifu Pavilion in memory of Dufu (712-770AD), who was the famous poet during the Tang dynasty and wrote the famous poem and later died in the city. Stepping out of the Xiaoxiang Door, the Saint Plum Pavilion (Xianmei ting) and the Three Drunkards Pavilion (Sanzui ting) can be seen standing on two sides. In the garden to the north of the tower is the tomb of Xiaoqiao, the wife of Zhouyu, another famous Three-Kingdom general.


As a Chinese culture lover, Yueyang Tower is quite famous for an essayist’s essay more than 1000 years ago and the high-ranking goal pursuit of this scholar. This essayist was a degraded official from capital just for the failure of his nationwide political reform. His hearted-broken words and his incomparable and farsighted goal as well as his appeal on how to be a welcome official all gave us the impressive memory. This essay lets us remember this historic man and this tower. His name was Fan Zhongyan, a famous reformist, poet, essayist and the cultural spreader. Thanks to his former reform, Wang Anshi Reform made a great success in some way in Song Dynasty.

Yueyang Tower (岳陽樓) is an ancient Chinese tower in Yueyang, Hunan Province, on the shore of Lake Dongting. Alongside the Pavilion of Prince Teng and Yellow Crane Tower, it is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan. The history of Yueyang Tower dates from the Three Kingdoms Period, when Lu Su, commander in chief of the forces of Wu, was sent to the area to fortify it and train the fleet there. To ease the inspection and command of ships he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River, from which the whole of Lake Dongting was visible. This inspection tower, then called the Ba Ling Tower after the nearby city of Ba Ling, was the first incarnation of Yueyang Tower.Like the other two great towers of Jiangnan, Yueyang Tower is famous partly due to its literary associations, namely the piece Yueyang Lou Ji (岳陽樓記), loosely translated as Memorial to Yueyang Tower, written by renowned Song poet Fan Zhongyan at the invitation of his friend Teng Zijing (滕子京), who in 1044 became local governor and rebuilt the tower, and subsequent play Yueyang Tower by one of the most renown Chinese dramatists Ma Zhiyuan in the Yuan Dynasty era.














Pointe Saint Mathieu?第5名

Plougonvelin, 29217, Plougonvelin, France








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