

導(dǎo)讀:張家界的旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英語(張家界的旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英語ppt) 張家界旅游景點(diǎn)中英文介紹 關(guān)于給美國朋友TOM介紹張家界旅游景點(diǎn)的英語作文加翻譯 張家界旅游景點(diǎn)的英文名稱 張家界旅游簡短景點(diǎn)介紹(中英文對照版) 急急急!?。£P(guān)于張家界一個(gè)景點(diǎn)的英語導(dǎo)游詞 英語作文介紹張家界8句話











猛洞河漂流(門票168元,猛洞河因“山猛似虎,水急如龍,洞穴奇多”而得名,被譽(yù)為“天下第一漂”?!皬埣医缈瓷?,猛洞河玩水”已是湖南湘西旅游精髓),游玩此景區(qū)需安排一天的時(shí)間。一天時(shí)間內(nèi)還可以去芙蓉鎮(zhèn)看看,芙蓉鎮(zhèn)門票是60元/人。芙蓉鎮(zhèn)是因?yàn)橹x晉拍《芙蓉鎮(zhèn)》電影而出名,在此游玩可以去品嘗到當(dāng)?shù)?a href='/meishi/' target=_blank>美食(劉曉慶米豆腐)。



土家風(fēng)情園(門票98元,集中展示了湘西土家族的宗教、演藝、建筑、手工藝、服飾、飲食等文化,是歷代土家族首領(lǐng)所居住的地方,擁有世界上最高的吊腳樓,如果你想感受到燦爛繽紛的湘西土家 族非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)的魅力,是你到張家界旅游必須游玩的第一站),游玩時(shí)間:2小時(shí)。






Zhangjiajie tourism build because the city is the major tourist cities. Wulingyuan scenic area has the world's rare quartz sandstone peaks canyon landscape by China's first national forest park - Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and tianzishan nature reserve, Suoxiyu Reserve, consisting of four scenic Yang Jiajie, scenic resort area of 264.6 square kilometers, is China's first batch of selected World Natural Heritage, the world's first geological park, the first national 5A class tourist attractions. "Wuling Soul" Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park, "the world's rare species gene pool" Badagongshan National Nature Reserve, Taoist shrines "South Wudang" Wu Lei Shan, "Barry Gallery" Maoyan, Wanfu hot springs resort also beautiful scenery, unique scenery. Long House, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Provincial Party revolutionary base is the site of the national cultural heritage, Puguang Temple, Jade Emperor hole caves, old courtyard cultural monuments and other eight provincial key cultural relics protection units.


天子山 the World Tianzishan Zhangjiajie Geopark

黃石寨 Huang Danzhai

金鞭溪 Jin Bianxi

黃龍洞 Huanglong hole

袁家界 Yuan Jiajie

楊家界 Yang Jiajie

黃龍洞 HuangLong-Dong

龍王洞 Dragon King

寶峰湖 Baofeng Hu

老院子 the old yard

天門山 Tianmen Shan











這是張家界的森林公園的英文導(dǎo)游詞;General Introduction Yellow Dragon Cave is more beautiful

than the outside world.

"Day or night, without fear of rain or wind, all year long, you can delight in its wonderful scenery. The cave is of good beneficial air circulation, and is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Yellow Dragon Cave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China. Also it has been honored as "magical karst cave both in China and in the world".

This system of caves is a typical karst formation, and you know that water plays an extremely important role in its development. Flowing into the fissures of the karst layer, water constantly dis- solves the limestone rock, thereby widening the crevice. This pro- cess continues year after year and thus the caves are created. The Yellow Dragon Cave system covers a proven area of 48 hectares. It is 15 kilometers long and has a vertical rise of 140 meters. The in- ner recess is divided into four layers, two dry ones and two possess- ing waterways. The tally of natural wonders includes: one natural reservoir, 2 underground rivers, 3 pools, 4 waterfalls, 13 grand halls, 96 passageways and hundreds of thousands of stalagmites,columns and stalactites. The Yellow Dragon Cave is so complex and unfathomable, possessing such a multitude of geological features, that it's impossible for us to take them all in at one time. This"magical place" abounds with all the sceneries that we can enjoy in the karst caves and the stalagmites are in all different shapes. Many famous scenic spots have been developed: the Dragon Dance Hall, Sounding River, Immortal Waterfall, Heaven Pillar Street, and the Dragon Palace.Except for a short distance near the entrance, we won't have to do any backtracking in the cave. The entire tour takes about two hours--2400 meters by land and an additional 800 meters by water. Chatting In the eyes of the locals of Zhangjiajie, Yellow Dragon Cave is always a "mysterious place". The waterway within the cave is called Yellow Dragon Spring and it keeps flowing year around. It is said that long, long ago this region suffered a severe drought, so a wizard named He Junru, accompanied by his disci- ples, entered the cave and beseeched the dragon to send water. The dragon king was touched by their plea and released several drops of water from his mouth, and this produced a deluge outside the cave. At that moment, the wizard was unaware of the refreshing rain out- side; instead, he assumed that the dragon king had somehow reject- ed his appeal. Unfortunately, he stabbed the dragon with his knife. The beast became enraged by this foolish response and spewed out a torrent of water. In a short while the flood inundated the whole re- gion, both inside and outside the cave. The wizard was seriously in- jured and escaped, and all of his fellow villagers were washed away. Of course, he deeply regretted his blunder, and engraved a few lines of warning on his deathbed at the entrance to the cave so that people would not further offend the dragon: "You must never fetch water from Yellow Dragon Cave, even if you are suffering des- perately from a severe drought.

It is just a story anyhow. But how was this cave actually dis- covered? In the Spring of 1983, Mao Jinchu, a local veteran andmilitary battalion commander, led about ten companies of soldiers into the cave for exploration. After many setbacks and much hard- ship, they were finally able to present to the world the true face of this mysterious "kingdom". In the recesses of the cave, they en- countered swarms of rats (about 2 ~ 2.5 kilograms each) and name- less creatures possessing piercing blue eyes and enormous feet. But don't be afraid! These terrifying "monsters" have been driven away long ago.

In February of 1984, the local authorities started to develop the cave as a tourist attraction, and set up the Administrative De- partment of the Yellow Dr agon Cave in June of that year. At the end of that year, it was formally opened to outside tourists. And

since that time, this "underground pearl" has emitted its dazzling

light and received more and more attention. After their field investi- gation into this cave system, officials of UNESCO gave these lavish words of praise, "Yellow Dragon Cave is the most beautiful cave we' ve ever seen--anywhere in the world! And it is especially in- triguing that there is such a long river inside, and it is really in- credible. " Including Zhou Guangzhao, the president of the Chinese Science Academy, 15 senior scientists proclaimed, "We have trav- eled around the world and this cave is the largest, most comprehen- sive cave we' ve seen. " More than 70 experts from the Ministry of Geology have drawn a similar conclusion, "Taking into consideration nearly all of the studies of karsts caves, Yellow Dragon Cave is the all round champion. "


Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Located in the northwest of Wulingyuan, it is in the neighborhood of Suoxiyu Valley and Tianzi Mountain. It has an area of 72,000 acres, an average rainfall of 1200-1600mm, an average temperature of 16oC and a frost-free period of 240-300 days. 97 percent of the park is covered with plants which have 98 families, 517 species, over twice the total in Europe. Its gymnosperm species take up half of the total in the world. Zhangjiajie opens to the outside at the beginning of the 1980s and is the earliest tourist zone exploited in Zhangjiajie. It is noted for its queer peaks, tranquil water and beautiful forests. It is the first National Forest Park approved by the State Council in 1982. Its main scenic spots include Golden Whip Stream, Huangshi Fort and so on. Numerous pinnacles rise abruptly from the level ground in the shape of huge bamboo shoots pointing to the sky. Both sides of Golden Whip Stream stand grotesque peaks and are covered with old trees and vines. The stream, like colorful ribbons, flows through valleys. Watching mountains on Huangshi Fort, one can't help acclaiming as the acme of perfection.


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