

導(dǎo)讀:重慶永川十大旅游景點介紹英文版(重慶永川旅游景點有哪些?) 永川旅游景點大全 重慶個主要 旅游景區(qū) 英文名 重慶旅游景點英語介紹 我需要一篇介紹永川的英語文章大概在70子左右




2、重慶野生動物世界。重慶野生動物世界所在地永川雙竹鎮(zhèn)是經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準的100余個經(jīng)濟開發(fā)試點鎮(zhèn)之一,界于東經(jīng)105.37°——106.05°,北緯28.56°——29.35°之間,該地區(qū)山清水秀,地貌環(huán)境豐富多樣,四季氣候溫和(年均氣溫17.8℃),是非常適合野生動物生長繁衍的地區(qū)。成渝高速公路、成渝鐵路、永瀘高等級公路、永師公路均經(jīng)過永川市區(qū),交通便利,地理位置優(yōu)越。重慶野生動物世界是全國最大的國家級野生動物生態(tài)游覽區(qū),占地面積5000畝,規(guī)劃引進動物430種,30000余只(頭),包括各種珍稀動物260種,其中從國外引進的珍稀動物有金虎、銀虎、白虎、白犀、猩猩、長頸鹿、北極熊、五彩金剛鸚鵡、巨嘴鳥、火烈鳥等100種,國內(nèi)引進的動物有小熊貓、羚羊、雙角犀鳥等160種5000只,動物規(guī)模堪稱全國第一。其中數(shù)十種動物為中國西部首 次引進。園區(qū)以全散放浸入式觀賞野生動物方式為主,共分為廣場區(qū)、步行區(qū)、車行區(qū)。



5、香海溫泉。重慶香海溫泉度假區(qū)由重慶金鉑實業(yè)(集團)有限公司投資新建的,是一座以溫泉保健養(yǎng)生為主題特香海溫泉色,集客房、餐飲娛樂、康體休閑、商務(wù)? ?議、保健養(yǎng)生、水上樂園和文化景觀等旅游休閑度假項目于一體,多功能大型溫泉度假區(qū)。按照國家AAAA級景區(qū)四星級標準設(shè)施建造,占地300多畝,是目前國內(nèi)規(guī)模最大的生態(tài)溫泉、極具文化品位的溫泉旅游度假區(qū)。位于永川勝利路的香海溫泉于今年6月正式開業(yè),共有大大小小78個溫泉池(現(xiàn)建成的有38個),占地300多畝,是目前西南區(qū)域內(nèi)規(guī)模最大、檔次最高的溫泉旅游度假景區(qū)。景區(qū)交通便利,距永川市區(qū)3公里,距重慶市區(qū)65公里,40分鐘車程,且緊鄰成渝高速路出口。香海溫泉地理位置得天獨厚,整個景區(qū)依山旁水,景色宜人,是您休閑度假、旅游觀光、商務(wù)會議的理想選擇。香海溫泉與“茶山竹海”相毗鄰,園區(qū)屬原生態(tài)環(huán)境、純自然地貌,結(jié)合地域歷史人文景觀,利用得天獨厚的自然溫泉資源。


重慶個主要 旅游景區(qū) 英文名

解放碑:The People's Liberation Monument

大足石刻:Dazu Rock Carvings

人民大禮堂:The Great Hall of the People

武隆天生三橋/芙蓉洞The natural bridges/Furong Cave in Wulong

釣魚城:Fishing Town/Fishing City

長江三峽:Three Gorges

三峽博物館:China Three Gorges Museum


The Dazu Rock Carvings are a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings, dating back as far as the 7th century A.D., depicting and influenced by Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist beliefs. Listed as a World Heritage Site, the Dazu Rock Carvings are made up of 75 protected sites containing some 50,000 statues, with over 100,000 Chinese characters forming inscriptions and epigraphs. The sites are located on the steep hillsides within Dazu County (near the city of Chongqing, China), with the high points being the carvings found on Mount Baoding and Mount Beishan.

The earliest carvings were begun in 650 A.D. during the early Tang Dynasty, but the main period of their creation began in the late 9th century, when Wei Junjing, Prefect of Changzhou, pioneered the carvings on Mount Beishan, and his example was followed after the collapse of the Tang Dynasty by local and gentry, monks and nuns, and ordinary people during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-65). In the 12th century, during the Song Dynasty, a Buddhist monk named Zhao Zhifeng began work on the elaborate sculptures and carvings on Mount Baoding, dedicating 70 years of his life to the project.

The carvings were listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, citing "…their aesthetic quality, their rich diversity of subject matter, both secular and religious, and the light that they shed on everyday life in China during this period. They provide outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism."

The Three Gorges region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges region is historically and culturally an important region in China.

The Three Gorges region is located along the Yangtze River between the cities of Fengjie and Yichang in Chongqing municipality and Hubei province.

Currently the Three Gorges region is most famous for the Three Gorges Dam.

Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽 8 from Baidicheng (Fengjie) to Daxi

Wuxia Gorge 巫峽 45 from Wushan to Guandukou (Badong)

Xiling Gorge 西陵峽 66 from Zigui to Nanjin Pass (Yichang)

人民大禮堂找不到...新重慶是個什么東西... 將就吧



Chongqing southwest the Chinese interior the spot, in Yangtze River's upstream, the city according to Shan Erjian, is called by “the mountain city”.Chongqing has 82403 square kilometers, the entire city has 31,140,000 populations approximately.The climate is temperate, suits the people to live.In addition, Chongqing also has the very many scenery scenic spot, people also all warm hospitable.Chongqing's snack is extremely famous, for example the hot pot, the hot and sour soup, many had the thick Chongqing characteristic snack to attract the innumerable tourists to come to travel.


Chongqing was separated from Sichuan province and made into a municipality in its own right in March 1997[12] in order to accelerate its development and subsequently China's relatively poorer western areas (see China Western Development strategy).[13] An important industrial area in western China,[14] Chongqing is also rapidly urbanising. For instance, statistics[15] suggest that new construction added approximately 137,000 square meters (1.5 million square feet) daily of usable floor space to satisfy demands for residential, commercial and factory space. In addition, more than 1,300 people moved into the city daily, adding almost 100 million yuan (US$15 million) to the local economy.


Traditionally, due to its geographical remoteness, Chongqing and neighboring Sichuan are important military bases in weapons research and development.[16] Chongqing's industries have now diversified but unlike eastern China, its export sector is small due to its inland location. Instead, factories producing local-oriented consumer goods such as processed food, autos, chemicals, textiles, machinery and electronics are common


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