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我?guī)湍阏伊艘黄兄形囊灿杏⒄Z,一定要采納我哦。中文: 重慶游


我就像劉姥姥進了大觀園似的,左看看右瞧瞧,我一會兒對爸爸說:“看看,好高的樓?。 币粫河謱寢屨f:“哇,奔馳誒!”看了一會兒,才覺得我們那個縣城太落后了,簡直像個小鄉(xiāng)村。啊,這回我算是大開了眼界,高高的樓房,奔馳的汽車。一切一切都是那么新穎,讓我眼花繚亂,好多在我們縣城見不到的東西在那兒琳瑯滿目。“如果住在這里該多好!”媽媽發(fā)出了感嘆,“是啊是啊?!蔽尹c點頭,“不過那是不可能的,這里房子非常貴的,除非咱們是富翁!”我偷偷的說。






我愛美麗的山城霧都——重慶。英語: Le swim chongqing During the National Day, I went to chongqing. After all the way'd turbulence, there. I like LiuLaoLao into the grand view garden like, look left right look for a while, I told dad: "see, good high floor!" For a while and said to her mother, "wow, Mercedes eh!" Look for a while, just think we the county was so far behind, it is like a small village. Ah, this time I be regarded as big open horizon, tall buildings, Mercedes cars. Everything is so novel, let me dazzling, many in our county to see things in there is dazzling. "If living here should be much good!" Mom made exclamation, "yeah, yeah." I nodded, "but that is impossible, the house is very expensive here, unless we be rich!" I secretly said. The food here let me drool, the scenery there let me linger over, the buildings there are clouds, where flowers towering trees, where aroma of evergreen. There's all make me mad. We went to ChaoTianMen, we don't know the direction, with a few rounds and signposts find ChaoTianMen square is found, it is "hardship". "Heavens! ChaoTianMen square so beautiful." I sent a marvel at the bottom of the river, from the square, green, ring, blooming everywhere on the river cruise ship was docked. Just go there, everywhere reeks of pot of flavor, not the kui is a "hot pot city." The jiangbei is the commercial center, also is one of the most prosperous each day, of a variety of people to pass through here, each to the whole o 'clock will: dong, dong... The knock. There are many stores around the jiangbei, company. Unfortunately since I carsick, so a lot of fun there is no place to go, and if I have the chance, I will complete tour again! I love the beautiful mo untain city chongqing WuDou -.


There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing, such as mt.jinyun, JinDaoXia, if you like shopping, you can go to sanxia square and pedestrian street of Kwan-yin bridge , etc .




1) There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing.

2) There are many scenic spots in Chongqing.




Chongqing is one of the four municipalities of the PRC, one of China's five ?major cities, a GROUP URBAN made from a large city (Chongqing ?Downtown),and six regional central city that population of over one million, and ?25 other counties. The upper Yangtze River economic and financial center, ?inland export processing base and first area of expanding the opening , an ?important modern manufacturing base in China, the industrialization of ?scientific research base of the upper Yangtze River, central and western ?regions development of circular economy demonstration areas, the State ?high-tech industrial base, China's auto city, capital of motorcycles of China, ?The upper Yangtze River shipping center, transportation hub in Southwest ?China, Development of the Chinese government to implement the ?development of western regions and countries, urban and rural comprehensive ?reform pilot area, China's most well-being city. Long history, one of the second ?batch of national historical and cultural city the State Council announced. The ?world map hanging in the halls of the United Nations, marked only the names ?of four cities in China, one of which is Chongqing.


重慶是中華人民共和國四個直轄市之一,中國五大中心城市之一,是一個由一座特大城市(重慶主城區(qū)) ,和六個人口超過百萬的區(qū)域性中心城市,以及其他 25 個區(qū)縣共同形成的一個組團式城市。長江上游地區(qū)經(jīng)濟中心和金融中心,內陸出口商品加工基地和擴大對外開放的先行區(qū),中國重要的現(xiàn)代制造業(yè)基地,長江上游科研成果產業(yè)化基地,中西部地區(qū)發(fā)展循環(huán)經(jīng)濟示范區(qū),國家高技術產業(yè)基地,中國汽車名城,中國摩托車之都,長江上游航運中心,西南地區(qū)交通樞紐,中國政府實行西部大開發(fā)的開發(fā)地區(qū)以及國家統(tǒng)籌城鄉(xiāng)綜合配套改革試驗區(qū),中國最具幸福感城市。歷史悠久,國務院公布的第二批國家歷史文化名城之一。懸掛在聯(lián)合國大廳的世界地圖上,僅僅標出了中國四個城市的名字,其中一個就是重慶。


Chongqing southwest the Chinese interior the spot, in Yangtze River's upstream, the city according to Shan Erjian, is called by “the mountain city”.Chongqing has 82403 square kilometers, the entire city has 31,140,000 populations approximately.The climate is temperate, suits the people to live.In addition, Chongqing also has the very many scenery scenic spot, people also all warm hospitable.Chongqing's snack is extremely famous, for example the hot pot, the hot and sour soup, many had the thick Chongqing characteristic snack to attract the innumerable tourists to come to travel.


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